Five Ways To Prepare For The 2020 Wedding Season

Posted on 12 March 2020

The 2020 wedding season will have started in earnest before we know it, which means it’s time to begin preparing for it! The warmer months may mean relaxation for some, but for those hosting weddings it means a lot of hard work – here are five ways to help you keep your sanity through it all: 

  1. Don’t forget your couples

The approach of The Big Day can be very stressful for couples, so make sure you keep them in mind amidst your own planning rush. Now is a great time to take another look at the plan for the day and any rules your venue has – chances are, the couple have received so much information since getting engaged that a little reminder will be very welcome, and make sure the day goes smoothly for everyone.


  1. Plan ahead

We’re sure you’ll have heard this before but planning ahead really is invaluable! Get as many tasks as you can out of the way before the real rush hits, and you’ll thank yourself later.

  1. Be weather-ready

No one, least of all couples on the brink of their wedding day, likes to admit defeat in the face of British weather but, nevertheless, rain happens. Have a basic plan in place for what will happen if it does get wet and reassure your couples that a little rain won’t get in the way of their wedding day. Of course, our wedding domes combine the beauty of an outdoor wedding with all the convenience of weatherproof shelter!


  1. Think small

Smaller, more intimate weddings have become very trendy, which provides the perfect opportunity for you to make use of spaces previously too small or unused – intimate outdoor hideaways are likely lurking on your property just waiting to provide a stunning backdrop for smaller parties, so get creative and utilise your space! 

  1. Be sustainable

Much like in other industries, sustainability is the word of the moment, which means it’s time for you to get smart about how eco-friendly your own business is. Highlighting any ways that you are sustainable will help you appeal to newly engaged couples hunting for the perfect space this season.

Are you looking for a new take on weddings? Read more about glamping weddings and why they could be the next big thing…

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